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Changing the World Through Innovation

Updated: May 17, 2019


An example of Innovation

Schools are striving to be more technology forward and innovative in the classroom. However, some schools focus too much on the technology itself rather than the lessons being taught. For example, In my interview with Professor Carla, she stated that she wanted to use this new software that she had seen in a conference a few weeks ago. She asked us to locate the software and show her how to use it. She wanted to use right away in her classes. The software was a complicated type of survey used in some History classes. This was software that she was not familiar with nor were we familiar with it.

What is the problem I am Trying to Solve?

This is an image of my mind map for my research agenda.

When the president of my school arrived, she wanted our campus to be a technology forward campus. So, faculty started approaching our team about using the latest technology in the classroom. At first we would research, the trendy gadgets and technology out there. For example, in my interview with Dr. Love, faculty had approached her regarding recording their lectures for their online courses. Faculty were wanting something that the professor could be lecturing, drawing on the board not have their back to the camera. One of the technologies she researched was the Learning Glass. This piece of technology has a high price tag of $4500.

However, this technology was only used once or twice. Talking to the faculty influenced me to research the needs faculty have to create an innovative course or classroom experience. After speaking with faculty and instructional designers, my research led me to the barriers faculty have about adopting innovative teaching. In addition- to the barriers, I wish to also better understand the conditions needed to establish innovation.


Example of barriers - mental barriers

The issue some faculty face are apprehension in adopting new innovation in teaching. Sometimes Faculty do not get the support they need from their institution when using new technology. For example, some institutions lack the funding to buy appropriate infrastructure, hardware, software and materials to adequately support the technology” (Khodabandelou et al. 2016). Therefore, institutions tend to omit technology from their budgets. Other factors that prohibit faculty from adopting new technology and attending training for the technology is time constraints. According to Khodabandelou et al (2016) “teachers lack the time to prepare their power points or similar materials for students using the new technology” (p. 55). In addition, faculty have to train on the new technology before using it in their classrooms. These barriers provide a grounding truth on how technology enables and constrains student energy and learning.

Faculty are pressed for time to learn new technology or attend training on teaching strategies. Faculty are asked to accomplish so much, teaching classes. They are asked to volunteer in student groups, as well as attend conferences. Most importantly, they are asked to publish. In order for the class to be successful and adopting new technology, faculty and institutions, will succeed if they have the buy-in with regards to embracing innovation.

Conditions Needed to Establish Innovation

I definitely understand the time constraints faculty have and asking them to attend training sounds crazy, right but my recommendation is professional development. What I am hoping to accomplish is giving the faculty the resources to enhance their courses and provide an interactive atmosphere for both the faculty and the students. Some of the recommendations I have are, peer workshops such as lunch and learns. Provide training for the new faculty; catch them while they have the time for training. Offer training on online and face-to-face; faculty can follow the training at their own pace and their own time. Most important if using technology, find the technology that will fit with the lesson.

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